As many of you already know, we love color. Almost every nook of our home has a bright color pop and the majority of it lives on our walls! Also apparent is my hoarding of patterns which, up until recently, only lived in our rugs and pillows. Well, a few weeks ago I decided to embark on a new and daring adventure. No color, but a super bold pattern and on the wall. Queue the scream emoji! Yes, I decided I was going to use a wall stencil on a teeny tiny corner of our master bedroom. Test the waters, you know?
Using a wall stencil is not as easy as I had imagined and it took about three times as long as I had imagined but turned out probably ten times better than I could have hoped for! If you’re thinking about diving into your own wall stencil project, here are a few tips and other things to consider based on my most recent experience.
For starters, I used an amazing stencil that I found over at Cutting Edge Stencils. They have a HUGE selection of really neat wall stencils that cross a number of different styles. This particular stencil is called the Jewel Tile Stencil. I went with the 6″ wall stencil but they also have 8″ , 12″ and 16″ versions depending on the space you are working with.
I wanted the visual of the wall stencil to be super striking and look like actual Moroccan tiles. With that, I went with a classic black and white color palette. Both of the paints I chose came from Home Depot. I’ve linked to those two paints below!
Other Materials
Cutting Edge Stencils provides you with a list of materials needed when your stencil arrives but, here are a few of the materials that I used and I found very helpful.
My Stenciling Tips
Use your level
You can’t see it because it falls behind the dresser (thank gawddddd) but my tiles started to get a little crooked. Woops! In all fairness, it’s partially because the side walls of the area I stenciled are not actually parallel but also because I only started using a stencil halfway through. YIKES! Definitely start your first tile off with the level and level each one out before painting. The stencil has an amazing line up where the pattern joins but it’s certainly a lot harder to eyeball it than I thought.
Less paint is better
The less paint you have on your roller, the better. My first few tiles were super gloppy because the paint just seeped underneath the pattern. I found that a roller that is more dry took more rolls overall but resulted in a cleaner line. Refill your roller with paint less often than you think and you should be good!
A blow dryer helps speed things up
Because you are required to “connect” the pattern, it’s best to wait until each stencil tiled dries. Naturally, I didn’t have the patience for it. I used a blow dryer between tiles to speed things up.
Corners are rough
You might have noticed in my materials up above I included a pot scrubber – were you thinking I lost it?! Haha no! I actually used this to push the stencil into the corner for a cleaner line. It allowed me to hold it there without getting paint all over my hands.
Be patient with yourself
This is my last little tidbit of advice and it’s one that I had to keep reminding myself. Be patient. This project took me two days and I thought I could do it in a couple of hours. Go figure, Madison! Don’t be afraid to let it sit and do it right. Trust me, it will definitely pay off!
What Do You Think?
Here’s the shot I shared on my Instagram of the end result. What do you think?